Below in descending order are my Top 10 photos. Thank you for taking the time to view them.

Frosty Dusk: Taken just before sunset from my snow-covered backyard on the water.

Misty Morning: The sun rises, casting a magical glow on a misty morning before 6:00AM crew practice.

Architectural Symphony: The Salve Bridge in Bilbao creates harmony with the Guggenheim behind it.

Focused Sideline: Late into a close game, Tabor’s bench is hyper-focused on the prize at stake.

Medieval Haven: From above, the rugged Medieval walls of Buitrago del Lozoya seem quite peaceful.

Timeless Arches: Built nearly 2,000 years ago, the Segovian aqueducts are a remarkable time capsule.

Coastal Charm: Both quaint and cozy, Mousehole, England hosts a beautiful rock-built shoreline.

Twilight Crossing: As lights reflect on the river, Spain’s Hotel Maria Cristina’s soul lights up.

Defensive Wall: Milton’s Quarterback doesn’t stand a chance as he’s hit by a wall of five defenders.

Moonlit Waters: Light reflected off an English lake perfectly aligns to paint a picture at night.